Sunday, June 12, 2011

Starhub NBN - Installation

Starting a series of posts to record my experience getting and using the Starhub NBN line.

So... from the beginning. We saw an ad from Starhub for their MaxInfinity plus Starhub TV package, for SGD 80+. Thought that was quite a good deal, since we watch Starhub TV at home. So we went to check it out. Guess what, the people in the shop tried to dissuade me from signing up for it. :) Imagine that. I walk into the shop, ask to sign up for a slightly more expensive package, and they tried to sell me something cheaper, and essentially told me that the product I'm trying to buy is defective. Anyhow, I managed to persuade them that I really do want to use the NBN fibre. (I really do... not saying it only because I'm working on the project. Just hope it doesn't fail me.)

After the persuasion, guy in shop made us go through a few pages of manual forms. Yeah, it's not in their system. Got us a date to do the installation, which was yesterday.

Was all excited to FINALLY get NBN at home, and looking forward to yesterday. Then on Friday, we got a call... and was asked to fix another appointment for the 28th. Delay by 2 weeks. Oh well... looks like we've got to wait. Hope they really do come on the new date.

Stay tuned... I'll update more :)

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