Sunday, June 5, 2011

Baby's first trip out

Time flies... like it always does

It's now June. Almost half of the year 2011 has passed us by. What's been happening in my life? Quite a bit.

Work-wise, it's been a difficult period that's still continuing. We're searching for the big ideas to propel our team forward. And so far, the big ideas are not really coming to us.

Personal life, things are looking a bit better. Jasper's been growing up real fast. He's now 9 months old, and is learning to do so much. Sitting up, crawling around, trying to stand, and even trying out walking. Boy, he really learns fast!

We took him out for a little adventure as well. He's now a well-travelled baby, having been to Hong Kong, Macau, and Zhuhai. Yap, we had a little holiday in Apr, and the little boy had his first trip out.

Here's some photos from the trip :) Enjoy!

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